E&A Support Services | NDIS Services In Toowoomba - Our NDIS Services

Quality NDIS Support Done Right

At E & A Support Services, we go the extra mile to help our participants in ways that really matter.

We adopt a holistic approach to care

We focus not just on the physical needs of our participants, but also upon their emotional wellbeing and overall quality of life. It's through our own belief in our participants, and their capabilities, that we endeavour to encourage broader social interaction and foster community participation. Through this approach, we aim to build meaningful interpersonal relationships with our participants, and in time, kindle within them a genuine sense of community belonging.

Our NDIS Support Services

Community Nursing

E & A provides highly-skilled Registered Community Nurses who are capable of a range of in-home nursing services that can assist in supporting a better quality of life for you. Our professional nursing support for NDIS participants includes complex care such as: 

Continence Assessment, Report Writing, Complex Bowel & Stoma Care

Catheter Care & Routine Change

Wound Care & Pressure Area Care

High-Intensity Activity Care Plan Development

Training and Education to Participants & Support Staff, e.g., Catheter Care, Infection Control

Diabetes Management & Care Plan

Assistance with PEG Maintenance & Care

Tracheostomy Care

Referral to the Relevant Group of Allied Health Professionals

Palliative Care

Preparing Quotes for Equipment & Consumables for NDIS Plan Review

High Intensity Support

Complex Bowel Care

EA Support Services can provide complex bowel care to participants at risk of severe constipation or faecal incontinence, for example, CP GMFCS1 levels 3,4,5; spinal injuries; some ABI and where the bowel care plan involves non-routine treatment such as the use of non-routine PRNs. We have highly competent Registered Nurses who have received training on:

The anatomy of the digestive system

The importance of regular bowel care and understanding of stool characteristics indicating healthy bowel functioning and related signs and symptoms

An understanding of related conditions including autonomic dysreflexia; symptoms / indications of the need for intervention and when to refer to health practitioner e.g. overflow, impaction, perforation or infection

An understanding of intervention options and techniques including administering enemas and suppositories, digital stimulation, massage etc. and related guidelines and procedures

Nutrition and hydration requirements

A detailed care plan will be established while developing a service agreement. Our nurses will follow the care plan, observe and record changes in bowel habits, administer laxatives, enemas or suppositories according to procedure and identify when to seek health practitioner advice.

Enteral Feeding and Management

Supporting a person who is reliant on percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) feeding can be part of a Registered Nurse's role. A person reliant on NG feeding typically has more complex health issues requiring high-intensity support. We will establish a detailed care plan while developing the service agreement. Our Registered Nurse will:

Follow personal hygiene and infection control procedures

Confirm need and consent for enteral feeding

Introduce food via tube according to plan

Monitor rate and flow of feeding and take appropriate action to adjust if required

Keep stoma area clean and monitor and report signs of infection

Check that the tube is correctly positioned and monitor equipment operation

Follow procedures to respond to malfunction e.g. blockages

Follow procedures to document a request to review mealtime plan where required

Liaise with health practitioners to explain / demonstrate requirements (e.g. hospital staff)

Recognise and respond to symptoms that could require health intervention e.g. reflux, unexpected weight gain or loss, dehydration, allergic reaction, poor chest health

Tracheostomy Care

Our Registered Nurses have advanced skills in the provision of tracheostomy care. They are fully trained and have demonstrated competency to support a person dependent on ventilation. Our nurses will:

Follow personal hygiene and infection control procedures

Monitor skin condition and keep stoma area clean

Follow procedures (in plan) to perform routine suctioning to maintain clear airways

Monitor and report on abnormal secretions

Clean and maintain suctioning equipment

Support routine tube tie changes (as outlined in plan and in support of an appropriate health practitioner)

Maintain charts and records

Recognise and respond to signs that airways are obstructed

Implement emergency procedures regarding  deteriorating health or infection

Ventilation Care

Once the need for ventilation is confirmed in the participant’s care plan, we will assign fully-trained Registered Nurses to the participant and will:

Follow personal hygiene and infection control procedures

Identify, connect and assemble components of ventilation equipment according to instructions

Follow instructions to prepare ventilator for operation

Fit the breathing mask, start ventilation and monitor that it is working effectively

Follow trouble-shooting procedures to respond to alarms and maintain equipment

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We can provide care to participants who have a tracheostomy and use a ventilator, or to participants who  require ventilation but don't have a tracheostomy. We provide either invasive or non-invasive ventilation.

Urinary Catheter Care

Our Registered Nurses who care for participants with urinary catheters (IDC and SPC) have received training and are experienced in: 

An understanding of the urinary system for males and females


Types of catheters

Procedures and challenges in inserting catheters in males and females (intermittent catheters only)

Common complications associated with using different types of catheters

Indicators of complications that require intervention and an understanding of when to involve a health practitioner

Our quality catheter care includes replacing and disposing of catheter bags; maintaining charts / records; monitoring skin conditions around catheters; recognising and responding / reporting on blockages, dislodged catheters and signs of deteriorating health or infection.

Complex Wound Management

E & A Support Services Registered Nurses can provide complex wound care and are fully-trained and experienced in: 

Common skin integrity risks

Common indications of infection and required response

Implications of prolonged or worsening infection

Purpose and methods for positioning and turning to manage pressure and choking risks

Implications of wound management in delivering daily support activities such as showering, toileting, mealtime assistance and mobility

As a result, we can recognise risks and symptoms of pressure; identify when to refer to a health practitioner and follow plan instructions to inspect / replace dressings (under health practitioner supervision and only when indicated in the wound management plan).

Subcutaneous Injections and Diabetes Management

We provide subcutaneous injections for medication administration (including but not limited to insulin, Erythropoietin Morphine, Diacetylmorphine and Clexane) and diabetes care support to participants with a care plan enlisting management of subcutaneous injections and medication administration. Registered Nurses deployed to support participants with diabetes and subcutaneous injection needs are required to attend compulsory training and be deemed competent in subcutaneous injection and diabetes management support provision. Safe and quality care will be guaranteed by:

Confirming client details and need for injection

Following personal hygiene and infection control procedures

Following safe injecting procedures using pumps and pens (containing pre-measured dose)

Monitoring for any adverse reactions and proper management of emergency situations

Core Supports

Assist Personal Activities

Receive one-on-one assistance both inside and outside your home. Our friendly team will assist you with personal activities like bathing and grooming to help you get ready for the day, looking and feeling your best. We can also attend appointments with you, help you with exercise or simply support you to enjoy the outdoors. Our care includes:

Bathing and showering

Getting dressed

Doing your hair and makeup

Menstrual care

Mobility around the house

Help with eating and drinking

Household Tasks

Our team of professional carers can assist you with daily household tasks. These include any essentials that will help keep your home tidy and fresh, so that you can live independently. We encourage you to join in as much as you would like to increase your own capacity to maintain your home. We help with:

Cleaning and tidying the home

Gardening and lawn mowing

Meal preparation


Grocery shopping

Planning the household budget

Community Participation

We will empower you to take part actively in local community activities including visiting friends and family for a richer, more rewarding life. We can help you get to and from your activities, as well as accompany you to outings for support. We provide as much or as little companionship as you need to make the most of what's available in your local community. With us you can:

Join and attend a social group

Go to community events

Attend a concert

Visit the library

Participate in personal development courses


Get involved in sports or art classes

Group / Centre Activities

NDIS group and centre activities are a great way to socialise and learn new skills. We provide opportunities for you to access centre-based recreational programs in your local area. By being involved in these groups you will develop life skills such as communication and relationship skills. We also encourage you to be involved in networking to find groups that match your interests, and in planning your regular activities. Activities can include:

Fitness & exercise groups

Sports clubs

Music & dance lessons

Arts & craft classes

Tailored learning programs

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